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Alumni Association


Alumni Reception

Each year the Troy Area School District graduates a senior class to the alumni ranks.  The Association  holds a reception each May to welcome them.  Speakers from each decade impress on graduates sage advice, historical events and school stories that can be told in public at the event. All Alumni, past and present faculty, and students' families are welcome to attend.  

Hall of Distinguished Alumni

The Troy Area School District Foundation has established a recognition program for alumni or other individuals with good moral character and a valued relationship with the Troy Area School District and/or Foundation.  


Class Reunions

One priority of the Association is to promote  reunions and other class functions.   Send us the function details at


Association History

The public school in Troy, Pennsylvania, was founded in 1868.  The Graduates Association when organized in 1877 numbered sixty-nine members.  “The success of our graduates is a matter for congratulation, and we point with pride to many who now hold honorable positions in teaching, in business and in the professions…Their annual reunions, both public and private have served to keep alive the pleasant associations formed in their schooldays.” (Taken from the 1882 Graded High School bulletin)


The 1917-1918 yearbook reports an Alumni Reception on the school calendar and in 1920, the Alumni Association raised $10,000 for a memorial annex to the school building.  The Association was formally recorded in minutes books from 1929 to1978.  A committee met each year to plan the Alumni Reception, which occurred around graduation time.  At that meeting, officers were elected for the next year.  At the Reception itself, graduating seniors were welcomed into the Alumni Association, there was a roll call of returning classes, retiring teachers received special recognition and a financial gift, and the senior who had done the best work in English received a prize of $10.  There was a dance after the program.  Unfortunately, after 1978, the Association activities were discontinued.  

During the renovation of the school in the 1970’s, the gymnasium where the festivities took place was eliminated, which may or may not have been a reason why interest waned.  The last Alumni Reception following the above model was held in 1978 at the American Legion and was listed as the 108th Alumni Reception.   Sadly, it wasn't until 2005 when a small group of Alumni met with the goal of resurrecting the organization.  Since then, a master list of thousands of names and addresses of graduates was created and is updated as reunion classes provide information. 


The Alumni Association currently supports Homecoming activities each fall and once again hosts the Alumni Reception in May. It has a nonvoting representative on the Troy Area School District Foundation Board and helps publicize the Foundation’s nomination process for the Distinguished Alumni Award each year.  There are no dues.  At each event Alumni are given the opportunity to donate as they are able.


Troy Area School District Foundation
Donations, Scholarships and Teacher Grants
Troy Alumni Association
Alumni Info, Receptions, and Reunions

The Troy Area School District Foundation and Alumni Association are operated by volunteers.  Requests for information are best handled through email at the addresses pertinent to the organizations or events as specified.  School address for mailing purposes only. 

Troy Area School District Admin Office

68 Fenner Ave

Troy, PA 16947

Phone: (570) 297-2750 School Admin

© 2023 Troy Area School District Foundation

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