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Troy (PA) High Helps Win The War


Troy, Pennsylvania

Editor's Note: The Troy Alumni Association is celebrating 100 Years of Troy High School. We are researching yearbooks as part of the Centennial. Our last blog included the Class of 1943, when they were in First Grade. Fast forward to their Senior Year as they are about to embark into a world embattled in another World War. In the yearbook, we find the curriculum, activities, and sports were greatly affected by the war efforts. Hope you enjoy this snapshot. Check out the THS Centennial Celebration Page and our Facebook for detailed schedule of events. #THSCentennial

Excerpts From The Trojan, Volume XXXII, Published May 1943, Troy, Pennsylvania


We, the Senior Class of 1943, dedicate this volume to The Winning of the War with hope that it may be achieved speedily. War is changing our High School History; it has affected our habits of study, play and work; it has changed our plans, and made our lives more grim, more serious, more real. Because of all of this, we anticipate Victory; and in dedicating this yearbook to Victory; we dedicate ourselves to do all that we can that Victory may be attained. We will work, we will give, we will sacrifice, and we shall do it cheerfully that even our small part may set an example for others until Victory comes.

Professor W.R. Croman

To the Class of 1943

You need not be told that you are being graduated in strenuous times, yet I believe you are to be congratulated because of that very fact. No class ever had greater opportunity for service to his home and his country than you have, whether that service be in the armed forces or in civilian life. The need for intense, ceaseless, courageous effort is your opportunity.

The tyrants, the enslavers, the world gangsters are abroad. Yours is the opportunity to conquer, yours the opportunity to preserve freedom for yourselves and to give freedom to others.

Yes, you are to be congratulated upon being graduated in these times. The present is a great adventure; the future will be even more so. Wars will be over and the world must adopt a universal and lasting peace. Nations will be neighbors. London will be only a few hours from New York, Moscow a day or two. Good will, we pray, will prevail. Great new inventions and discoveries will enrich your lives. As you proclaim in your commencement program, want and fear must be abolished throughout the world and freedom of speech, and of worship, and of enterprise must be respected. You must help in the reshaping, the rebuilding and the guidance of this new world. Therein lies your service, therein lies your opportunity - grasp it now. -W. R. Croman.

Troy High Helps Win The War


All studies normally contribute to the needs of the student and in some measure prepare him for his place in Society. Towards winning the war, however, certain knowledges and skills are needed more than others. In response to our nation’s call, many of our subjects were changed and new courses were offered to better align our school work with the national effort. Even in the basic studies of English, foreign language, mathematics, history, and their allied subjects, the war has left its influence; and the changes wrought in those courses by that influence will in turn exert great influence in winning the war. Paragraph summaries of certain courses and activities follow:


The Renovators

Food preservation, always our important phase, has assumed even greater importance in the Home Economics course of study. Selection and proper preparation of food is emphasized for its effect upon good nutrition. Seniors learned how to care for the sick during the prescribed Red Cross Home Nursing curse of study. Since many mothers are working in defense plants, the study of child care has prepared many girls to take an important place in their families. Remodeling and repair of clothes, and home mechanics, (care and repair of equipment) are necessary in order that old materials may last longer. On the other hand since new materials are difficult to obtain, our course on better “buymanship” helps the student to make wiser selections in purchasing new materials. Home Economics adjusts itself to war time conditions.


This year the Science Department has stressed certain points which will help toward the wining of the war. Chemistry classes have been taught the compositions of poison gases and ways to counteract them; composition, preservation and vitamin content of food; and new plastics such as synthetic rubber and Lucite which have been developed to take the place of essential products needed in the war effort. The Physics class has emphasized the study of electricity and its practical applications. The Biology classes have stressed the importance of health and good living upon manpower. The General Science course presented an introduction to the scientific field and gave much information of the war.

The Physicists
Mr. Crumbling's Prides


The Industrial Arts Department in order to better fit our boys for defense industries or related activities is following; in the main, the national Pre-industrial course on the Fundamentals of Shopwork. This course contains the following work: woodwork, machine metal lathe work, sheet metal, forging, electric arc welding, auto mechanics, electricity, and printing. The boys have made “black-out” signs and stop-traffic signs for the Troy Civilian Defense Council, and one hundred scale model airplanes for the United States Naval Bureau of Aeronautics.


The courses in Social Science are being taught with the emphasis on “What is right with the United States” rather than “What is wrong with united States.” They contrast Democracy with totalitarianism and show how Democracy provides for individuals growth in all branches of personal and group life. They are taught in a way that helps us to understand our government and its dependence on the individual, and therefore encourages our best physical, mental, and moral effort in helping to win the war. They are taught so as to make patriotic citizens whose initiative is buttressed by loyalty to the nation and to God. Our confidence in Democracy of the people, by the people and for the people, encourages us to do our part in helping to preserve the nation.


During the school year two courses were given in Religion education. The Old Testament was the subject of study in one of these courses. In this the pupils had an opportunity to survey the lives of the great characters of the Old Testament and trace the history of the Chosen People from their beginning in ancient Babylonia down to the momentous days of the prophets. Mrs. Glenn Wolfanger was the teacher. The other course in Religious Education offered studies in the New testament. The first semester presented the background of New testament times and dealt with the life and ministry of Jesus. The second semester consisted of character studies of the most prominent New Testament associates of Jesus The teacher of this course were Harry Crumbling and Mrs. Philip Furst. A feature of the second term was a monthly visitation of one of the local churches. During one noon hour each month the pupils went to a Troy Church, where they had lunch, a social time or talk, and their usual class instruction, re-returning to school before one-thirty. While the classes have not been large, they have been attended with real interest and with much benefit to all who took part.


This year a course in Pre-Flight Aeronautics was begun under instruction of

Mr. Case. The primary purpose of Pre-Flight Aeronautics is to help expedite the Army and Navy program in Aviation by giving prospective cadets preliminary training in ground school subjects. We have answered this design by giving thorough courses in history, of aircraft, aircraft identification. Civil Air Regulations, navigation, and meteorology. In addition we have endeavored to cover aerodynamics, principles of aircraft engines, and airplane materials and stresses as completely as time and facilities would permit. The secondary purpose of Pre-Flight aids in the preparation of those who wish to enter commercial aviation, as pilots, meteorologist, aeronautical engineers, or any other branch of aviation.

Troy High Axes The Axis


1. Buying about $10 worth of War Savings Stamps a day.

2. Collecting rubber, metal, etc.

3. Collecting over 7.000 keys.

4. Donating $300 to Red Cross War Drive.

5. Air Raid Drills.

6. Using School and Facility for Draft and Rationing Registrations.

7. Using School for Red Cross Bandages and Sewing.

8. Using School for Nutrition Courses.

9. Using School for Home Defense Corps.

10. Using School for Air Warden and Fire Warden Courses.

Planning Victory Gardens


Several assemblies this year helped to further the war effort in Troy High School Mr. Bertin of M. S. T. C. urged us to develop enough courage to overcome hardships. Movies of the school activities at Penn State College were shown another time. Education is very important at this time. Rev. Furst gave an account of the work covered in the religious courses. An interesting assemble concerning the worthy use of leisure time presented the ideas of having hobbies and of doing war work. The boys who completed the course in Air Raid Warning Defense Service were presented with certificates and arm bands. The Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y gave a program honoring the boys who left for service in the army. The Home Economics students gave an interesting talk on point rationing. An auction was held for the benefit of the red Cross. The Agriculture boys presented an assembly on gardening.

We also had several assemblies purely for entertainment. Talented members of the community presented a very delightful program. Dr. Beyer of M.S.T.C. gave a talk on birds and showed us some slides he had made himself. John Blackwell, a former student of T.H.S. played the piano, and Duane Hart showed some movies that he had taken. Mr. Merrill presented a Lincoln’s birthday assembly. Mrs. Snyder presented the Christmas assembly. Mrs. Vickery read the Christmas story and the glee clubs sang carols to illustrate it. Mrs. Holcombe and Mrs. Christian gave a musical assembly. The quiz kids and the spelling assembly were interesting. Mrs. Snyder gave the Easter assembly with the glee clubs singing Easter anthems. The Junior Bank, Drum Corps Band, and Orchestra assemblies were very good. Mrs. Vickery and Mr. Phillips showed some of the work the students had done in gym class.

Future Farmers of America

In order to cooperate fully with the National War Program, we, the members of Troy Chapter F. F. A., hereby agree to do our best at all the essential things we have been doing and in addition all those new things the War Emergency requires, as follows:

  1. Buy U. S. War Bonds and Stamps as often as possible.

  2. Wholeheartedly collect all waste material such as scrap metal, rubber, and all other materials that may be needed.

  3. Promote Victory Gardens and help make them provide the farm family with sufficient vegetables throughout the year.

  4. Attempt to obtain useful fruit from home orchard sufficient for the family.

  5. Repair and keep farm machinery in good working condition, and order new parts early to allow for enforced delays.

  6. Make a special effort this year to raise enough forage and grain crops to meet our livestock requirements.

  7. Plan to produce enough meat to supply the farm family.

  8. Help to maintain farm buildings in a good state of repair.

  9. In so far as possible use fuel obtained from the farm woodlot.

  10. To continue relentlessly our pest eradication program.

  11. Put forth more effort to prevent soil erosion.

  12. Refrain from unnecessary waste of tires, gasoline, and electricity.

  13. We shall work for bigger and better home projects.

  14. Make sure that burlap bags are saved and rats are kept away from them.

  15. In order to carry out such a program of work, good health will be required, therefore, we shall practice approved rules as to diet, sleep, recreation, sanitation, etc. And be especially on guard to prevent even minor accidents and always give injuries prompt treatment to prevent infection.

The Calendar


8--We journeyed back to school to learn a few more facts.

17--Organization of Orchestra and Glee Clubs

19--With the help of the underclassmen, the Seniors sold a total of $704 worth of Curtis Magazines.

23--Election of class officers.

25--We found that there are many talented people in Troy. They gave us a fine assembly program.


5--Teacher’s Institute gave us a good excuse for a one day’s vacation.

7--Try-outs for Senior Play, a comedy entitled “Footloose”.

8--First pay assembly.

12--Mr. Case started a course in incendiary fire fighting.

19--Lots of groans and sighs! The first marking period has arrived.

21--Mr. Mc’Cabe’s homeroom went “over the top”, they averaged 1000 pounds per pupil in the scrap metal drive.

23--Mrs. Alexander, on of our favorite teachers, resigned her position. Mrs. Vickery replaced her.

29--Dr. J.E. McCord from Pennsylvania State College gave us a talk on life on the campus.

29--Juniors swamp Seniors in touch football game. The amazing score was 12-0.

30-- John Blackwell, home on furlough from the Great Lakes Naval Station, played several piano selections in assembly.


2--Tommy and his pony “Baby Doll” were the features of the second pay assembly.

9--Great competition in the collection of keys. The total was 7,055. Study Hall had 1182.

11--Oh Boy! A half day vacation for Armistice Day.

13--At last we have the preview of the Senior Play. It looks very good.

20-21--What a success! The Senior Play went over with a bang.

21--Mr. Eugene Bertin from M.S.T.C. gave us an interesting speech in assembly.

24--School was excused at 2:30.

26--Thanksgiving vacation.

27-- The Seniors repeated their play. Still Good.


2--How time flies! Another marking period is here.

4--First pep assembly.

4--Mr. Evan Williams and some of the Hi-Y boys went to a conference in Scranton.

7--All English classes commemorated Pearl Harbor Day by writing to soldiers.

7--The Senior Home Economics girls are doing their bit for the war effort. They are making Red Cross bandages.

11--banquet at the Troy Hotel for Senior play cast and their directors.

11--In the first basketball game of the year Troy chalked up a score of 35 while East Smithfield had only 15. This was an afternoon game.

15--The Stout players presented two plays in a pay assembly program.

18--All the Glee Clubs participated in the Christmas assembly.

21--The Glee Clubs went on their annual carol sing and then had a gay party at the school.

23--Homeroom Christmas parties. School out at 2:30.

24-29--Oh! A long vacation at last. Christmas vacation.

25--The first grade teacher, Miss Cummings, was married to Glenn Inman.

29-30--School again.


1--One day vacation.

1--In a close exciting game, the high school defeated the Alumni 35-31.

2--Postponement of Towanda game because ban on pleasure driving.

4--School again.

4--The Tri-Hi-Y started selling war stamps during noon hour.

7--Mrs. Snyder resigned her position of music teacher. Mrs. Soper will take her place.

8--As a part of the war effort, Mrs. Reed, a nutritionistof the Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. spoke to us on the value of nutritional food.

18-19--Mid-year exams.

20--Maru Matteson attended State Bank at Farrell, Pennsylvania.

21--Everyone walked to the Community dance. The Hi-Y clubs sponsored the dance.

22--In Assembly, several boys were given certificates for completing a course in Air raid Warning Defense Service

29--Band played in assembly.

29--The traditional Troy-Canton game turned out in our favor ---31-13.


2--Sayre swamped us by a score of 56-27.

4--The March of Dimes collection amounted to $19.80.

5--Room Six demonstrated how to spend leisure time. In the same program, Mr. Evan Williams gave a talk to the boys who are leaving for the army.

12--Lincoln Day assembly program.

15-16--school started at 9:15 because of below zero weather.

16--Annual rush for ping pongs.

23--No school because of rationing of canned goods.

26--In an afternoon basketball game we lost by a slight margin. Wellsboro 29-Troy 28.


2--Fourth marking period.

5--The Senior Home Economics girls presented “Truth or Consequences,” a program on ways to be a better buyer. Mr. Merrill spoke to the boys who are leaving for the army.

5--We lost this League game, by we are still champions. The score was Towanda 40, Troy 25.

12--Homerooms 8, 9, and 21 gave us a varied assembly program of poetry, music, and a small play.

12--Our basketball team defended the championship by playing the All-Star team. Troy was victorious by one point. The score was 39-38.

18--Everyone donned green for the St. Patrick’s Day Dance. It was held from 12:15 to 1:30 and sponsored by the Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y Clubs.

19--Going, going, gone. Max Thomas, Thomas Calkins, and Clarence Scott auctioned off $45 worth of food, clothing, etc., for the benefit of the Red Cross.

23--Campaign or more studying and less unnecessary commotion.

25--Annual group picture taken for Year Book

26--Mr. Case’s Pre-Flight aeronautics class demonstrated what they study in their class.

29--Meeting of Senior class.


2--F.F.A. Demonstrates Victory Gardens.

9--Joseph Battista, pianist extraordinaire.

12--Fifth marking period ends.

13--Commercial students take Civil Service exam.

16--Spelling contest in assembly.

16--Mansfield College Singers.

20--Dr. White Science Lectures.

23--Baseball at Canton.

30—Mrs. Vickery and Mr. Phillips give Gym Exhibit.

30--Baseball at Troy.


7--Jr. Band and Drum Corps assembly.

7--Baseball, Canton and at Troy.

14--Band and Orchestra assembly.

14--Junior Prom.

17--Alumni Reception.

18--Baseball, Troy at Towanda.

21--Senior assembly.

21--Music Evening.

23-Baccalaureate Service.


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